- secretory gland
- секреторная железа* * *секреторная железа
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
secretory — [si krēt′ər ē] adj. of, or having the function of, secretion; secreting n. a secretory gland, etc … English World dictionary
Gland (disambiguation) — Gland can refer to:* a gland (anatomy): an organ in an animal s body that synthesizes a substance for release. * a gland (botany) on a plant: a secretory structure producing a sticky, viscous substance. * Gland, Aisne, a commune in the Aisne… … Wikipedia
gland — An organized aggregation of cells functioning as a secretory or excretory organ. SYN: glandula (1) [TA]. [L. glans, acorn] accessory g. a small mass of glandular structure, detached from but lying near another and larger g., to which it is… … Medical dictionary
Gland — A gland is an organ in an animal s body that synthesizes a substance for release such as hormones or breast milk, often into the bloodstream (endocrine gland) or into cavities inside the body or its outer surface (exocrine gland). Types Glands… … Wikipedia
secretory organ — noun any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream • Syn: ↑gland, ↑secretor, ↑secreter • Derivationally related forms: ↑secrete (for: ↑secretor), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
secretory coil — the coiled secretory part of a sweat gland, found in the deep part of the dermis; it secretes sweat that flows out through a sweat duct. Called also body of sweat gland … Medical dictionary
gland — I. noun Etymology: French glande, from Old French, glandular swelling on the neck, gland, ultimately from Latin gland , glans acorn; akin to Greek balanos acorn Date: 1692 1. a. a specialized cell, group of cells, or organ of endothelial origin… … New Collegiate Dictionary
gland — noun a) An organ that synthesizes a substance, such as hormones or breast milk, and releases it, often into the bloodstream (endocrine gland) or into cavities inside the body or its outer surface (exocrine gland). a. used around a ship’s… … Wiktionary
secretory duct — a smaller duct that is tributary to an excretory duct of a gland and that also has a secretory function … Medical dictionary
secretory — Ⅰ. secrete [1] ► VERB ▪ (of a cell, gland, or organ) produce and discharge (a substance). DERIVATIVES secretor noun secretory adjective. Ⅱ. secrete [2] ► VERB … English terms dictionary
secretory capillary — any of the extremely fine intercellular canaliculi situated between adjacent gland cells, such as the gastric parietal cells, being formed by the apposition of grooves in the surfaces of the cells, and opening into the gland s lumen … Medical dictionary